CSE-433 Logic in Computer Science

[ Home | Schedule | Assignments | Software | Resources | Students ] gla@postech Sungwoo Park

Fall 2024
¹Ú¼º¿ì, Sungwoo Park
Lecture, Tuesday and Thursday 3:30pm - 4:45pm, ¹«ÀºÀç 306È£
3 credits

This course covers the basics of logic in computer science. We study various styles of formulating logic, but the main focus of this course lies on a proof-theoretic study of constructive logic, as opposed to a model-theoretic study of classical logic. A proof-theoretic formalization of constructive logic serves as a foundation for type theory for programming languages, so this course should also be interesting to those interested in type theory. We also learn to program in a proof assistant Coq which enables us to formally write proofs in a logical language.
Topics to be covered include: propositional logic, natural deduction, normalization, Curry-Howard isomorphism, first-order logic, dependent types, sequent calculus, cut-elimination, classical logic, modal logic, substructural logic, and automated theorem proving.

Prerequisites: CSE-321 Programming Languages, or by permission of the instructor.

Class Material

Schedule Lecture schedule and readings
Assignments Details of assignments, due dates, and policies
Software Guides to setting up the programming environment
Resources Course resources

Course Information

Textbook Course notes [PDF]
Credit 3
Grading 60% Assignments
20% Midterm Exam
20% Final Exam
Discussion telnet to pl.postech.ac.kr with id bbs

Teaching Staff

Instructor ¹Ú¼º¿ì, Sungwoo Park
Contact gla@postech or x-2386
Office Á¤Å뿬, Room 334
Office Hour By appointment

[ Home | Schedule | Assignments | Software | Resources | Students ] gla@postech Sungwoo Park